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You must read and attest below 

Based on guidance the NYS Dept of Health has released over the weekend (dated 3/14/20) we are communicating with you to inform you that the DOH has instituted a requirement for HHAs to screen their clients at the beginning of each visit. The three questions you must ask are below.


  1.  Ask and or observe the patient’s condition regarding upper respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, sore throat, fever, or shortness of breath);

  2. Ask the patient, “Have you traveled to a country for which the CDC has issued a Level 2 or 3 travel designation within the last 14 days?”

  3. Ask the patient, “Have you had contact with any Persons Under Investigation (PUIs) for COVID-19 within the last 14 days, OR with anyone with known COVID-19?


Educational material on how to assess these signs and symptoms are available at here.  At minimum you should assess and ask if the patient has Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, Persistent pain or pressure in the chest, New confusion or inability to arouse, Bluish lips or face. Should you have any questions our Nursing Department will be here to answer any question you may have. Should you have any concern we ask that you call our dedicated coronavirus line ASAP at 718-925-2057. If the patient shows signs of respiratory distress or other medical emergency at the visit, you should contact 911 and contact us immediately thereafter.


The NYS DOH has required that all HHAs be screened prior to providing patient care services. We are going to be sending a daily text message that you will be required to respond to prior to going to work. Should you not want to be communicated by text message please be in touch with your coordinator to set up an alternative means of communication.  


By submitting the attestation below, I certify that I have read and understood the information provided above and have the ability to assess the above. On a daily basis (until further notice) I will assess the client/s I visit and that I will promptly notify Elite HHC, LLC at 718-925-2057 should I observe a patient that demonstrates respiratory infection symptoms or should the patient report respiratory infection symptoms. I further attest that I will not go to work prior to responding to the daily screening sent by  Elite HHC, LLC. 

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