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New Awareness of Parkinson's

The recent news that civil rights leader Jesse Jackson is afflicted with Parkinson's disease has shed new light on the sickness which affects nearly 1 million Americans.

Parkinson’s is a movement disorder, with symptoms that include muscle tremors and stiffness and poor balance and coordination. It typically begins after age 50 and can cause difficulty sleeping, chewing, swallowing or speaking.

While the root cause of Parkinson's is unclear, as the disease progresses, the brain loses cells that produce dopamine -- a chemical that regulates movement. That results in symptoms such as tremors, stiff limbs, and balance and coordination problems that gradually worsen over time.

Patients with Parkinson's generally respond well to drugs that replenish dopamine in the brain. New treatments are being researched, and scientists have found early hints that compounds in certain asthma drugs might be able to combat Parkinson's disease.

Other famous celebrities with Parkinson's have thrust the illness into the limelight: Michael J. Fox; Mohammed Ali; Linda Rondstadt; and Billy Graham.

For more information on Parkinson's disease symptoms, treatments and coping strategies and support, click here.

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