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5 Ways to Celebrate Your Grandchild’s Milestones From a Distance

If your grandchildren don’t live nearby, you may find that you only get to see them during special events, such as holidays, birthdays, graduations, or other important milestones in their lives. This makes these key events even more special. But with the COVID-19 pandemic still ongoing, many families are choosing to celebrate the long-distance way. As a grandparent, you might be wondering how you can be a part of your grandchild’s milestones if you are far away. Here are a few ideas you might want to consider:

Set up a Video Chat

Video chatting applications such as FaceTime, Facebook Messenger, Zoom, or Skype will allow you to experience the event in real-time. While this won't be quite the same as being there in person, you’ll be able to see your loved ones and comment on what's happening. If you’re not sure how to use these applications, you can likely find a friend, family member, or neighbor who would be willing to help you.

Ask for Photos

Even if you can't be there physically, you'll want reminders of this milestone in your grandchild's life. If you’re comfortable with technology, you might be fine with having your child or grandchild send you a few pictures through text or email; or post them on social media for you to see. You may also want to suggest that they send you a printed picture from the event so you can display it in your home. This can help you feel more like you were a part of that important milestone.

Share a Tradition

If you already have a family tradition connected to the event, try to figure out a way for you to participate. If you don't have a tradition yet, it might be a good idea to create one now. It doesn't need to be anything elaborate. It could be something as simple as eating a special breakfast together or wearing matching hats. If you are all doing this together, you, your children, and your grandchildren will feel more connected to each other — no matter how long the distance. You may even want to participate in this family tradition during your video chat so you can really share the moment together. Even if it's a new tradition, you might be surprised at how quickly it can become your favorite way to celebrate.

Commemorate with Crafts

Even if you can’t be with your family during the big day, you can still do something special to celebrate. If you are into sewing, crocheting, knitting, painting, or other crafts, you could create something to commemorate the event, and then send it to your family member. You could also write a letter or poem for your grandchild. To make your contribution extra special, you could make the gift a surprise. Even if you aren’t good at crafts yourself, you may be able to find someone who can create a meaningful piece to celebrate your grandchild’s milestone.

Plan Something Special for Later

Eventually, things will calm down, and gathering with your loved ones will become safer. You’ll be able to see your grandchildren physically. When that time comes, you can make it an extra special experience. Take the time now to plan what you will do once you can celebrate your grandchild’s milestones with the whole family. You may decide to make things simple now and then have a large celebration later to enjoy all the wonderful moments that you didn’t get to share with each other. Talking about your future plans is a great way to have fun with your children and grandchildren. Plus, it really gives everyone something to look forward to.

Of course, these are just a few ways you can stay connected with your family even when circumstances prevent you from being together physically. We encourage you to come up with your own ideas and share them with your loved ones.

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