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Beat the Heat: Tips for Preventing Dehydration in the Elderly

What if you were under attack as soon as you set foot out of your house?

For older people around the world, this accurately describes their daily battle with the sun. Thanks to the heat, dehydration in elderly people is a major concern!

Fortunately, it's possible for elderly people to beat the heat and stay hydrated and healthy. Keep reading to discover our top tips for preventing dehydration!

Go Beyond Water

An elderly loved one may not be getting enough water to drink. For many people, the reason for this is that water is plain and flavorless.

To stay hydrated, you may need to get a little creative. While water is the most hydrating substance, it's not the only source of liquid. So you can change things up for a more flavorful and fulfilling liquid.

A savory broth might be more enjoyable than a glass of water, or you can experiment with flavored waters and seltzers. By giving an elderly person more of the liquid flavor they enjoy, you can naturally keep them hydrated.

Change Up the Temperature

Sometimes, getting a senior to stay hydrated isn't a matter of changing up the flavor. Instead, it's a matter of changing up the temperature!

For example, you might prefer an ice-cold glass of water. But not every elderly person does, especially if they have sensitive teeth or other health issues.

Room-temperature water may be more palatable, though cold water is better when exercising. And warm water can be very pleasant on a winter's day because it offers a way to warm the entire body!

Time Those Outings

So far, we've focused on increasing hydration. But if you want to truly avoid dehydration among seniors, you need to keep an eye on the exact time that they are going outside.

For example, taking a regular walk is healthy for the body and the mind. But walking close to noon is surely going to dehydrate someone more than an early evening stroll.

To get the best results, most professional caregivers say seniors should time outings for either before 10:00 AM or after 4:00 PM. This offers plenty of time to enjoy fresh air and sunlight without dealing with the worst of the heat.

Easy Liquid Access

If you want someone to drink more fluids, you don't have to overthink things. In fact, you may be able to improve their hydration by providing easier access to water.

A senior may not want to drink water if that means a long trip to the fridge and back. Instead, try providing a handy water pitcher they can keep nearby or a reusable plastic jug they can drink from.

With easier access comes more hydration. It's that simple!

Preventing Dehydration in Elderly People: Who Can Help?

Now you know more about preventing dehydration in elderly people. But do you know who can help take care of those special seniors in your life?

At Elite Home Health Care, we provide the quality of care that your loved ones deserve. To see what we can do to enhance their safety and quality of life, check out our services today!

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