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5 Ways to Say 'Happy Mother's Day'

Whether your mom lives with you, near you or miles from you, you can show Mom how much you care with some thoughtful acts of love and appreciation that do not have to be elaborate or expensive.

1. If you live within reach, taking Mom out for the day is a sure way to make her smile. This can be as simple as a stroll to a nearby park, a lunch at a local cafe, or a visit to the local mall. No matter the venue, Mom will be delighted you're sharing time with her.

2. If mom isn't mobile, consider bringing in a special touch to enhance a home visit with her, such as a bouquet of her favorite flowers, a catered lunch of her favorite variety, or her favorite musical score. Consider introducing her to a new artist you think she'll love, watching an old favorite movie with her, or playing back family movies and looking through memory books and photo albums. Baking, doing puzzles, or playing cards and board games may also lift her spirits. The time spent together will feel more valuable than any gifts you have brought.

3. If Mom doesn't own a smart phone, tablet or similar device, consider giving her one for Mother's Day. Video calls can be the best way to communicate with Mom to wish her a joyous Mother's Day when you can't physically visit. Gather the family for a Skype or FaceTime call and have each family member take turns for a one-on-one update with her. Seeing and speaking with grandchildren can especially bring joy to a mother's heart, so be sure to prep the kids and explain the importance of spending a few heartfelt and undisrupted minutes with Granny, no matter what age they are. Of course if a video conference can't be organized, a phone call is the next best thing.

4. We know it's been done, but sending flowers to Mom will always lift her spirits. If she's allergic, or doesn't like flowers, send her a gift basket filled with her favorite herbal teas or coffee, cookies or other treats, hand cream or bath amenities, or even a pair of warm slippers to keep her cozy. If she likes to craft, send her a new variety of yarn, paint, buttons or other items to add to her crafting supplies.

5. Cards may be "old school", but they can still make Mom really happy. Whether you visit a Hallmark store or create your own, don't overlook the value of a good-old-fashioned greeting card when it comes to Mother's Day. Hand-made varieties, especially those created by preschoolers, will definitely bring a tear to her eyes, and will most certainly make it to the front of the fridge, displayed for all to see.

To all Moms, we wish you a Happy Mother's Day. Enjoy!

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