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Caregiver Appreciation Day

This is a very important day of recognition for the tens of millions of Americans, who selflessly give their time to care for those who are ill, disabled, or elderly.

Many individuals and organizations have declared a caregiver recognition day on many different dates. The most common of them are November 13, and March 3. We give the nod to November 13, as November is National Caregiver Appreciation Month.

This day of recognition is for both paid and unpaid caregivers. We believe unpaid caregivers deserve even more special recognition. They silently go about the task of supporting someone in need, most often a family member. They give their time freely, and often spend their own money in doing so. It can be a thankless task..... without even a thanks from the person being cared for or other relatives who find countless reasons not to help.

Some interesting statistics:

  • 29% of the U.S. population, some 65 million Americans are caregivers in some way.

  • According to the U.S. Department of Labor, over 40 million Americans, age 15 or older, provide unpaid care to the elderly alone.

How to Celebrate Caregiver Appreciation Day:

Most caregivers, especially unpaid caregivers, do not seek or expect any form of recognition. They do what they do, simply because it needs to be done, and it is the right thing to do.

  • Give a simple thank you to everyone you know who is a caregiver in any capacity.

  • Send a thank you card by mail or email.

  • Give them a day off. Take over the role of caring.

  • If you are an organization, create recognition certificates to caregivers.

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