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Remember to "Spring" Forward!

Although it may not quite feel like spring yet, it's time to welcome Daylight Savings Time.

On Sunday, March 10th at 2 a.m. we will "spring" forward one hour. To be sure you are on time to work or to any scheduled appointments, we recommend you set your clocks forward one hour before you switch out the lights for bed on Saturday night.

Take the day to adjust to the new time, and hopefully you'll be prepared to start the week refreshed and invigorated. Although you'll lose an hour on Sunday, the extended hours of daylight will hopefully motivate you to accomplish more during the days to come and get you psyched for summer!

Daylight Savings Time ends on November 3, 2019, when days in the Western hemisphere become shorter and shorter as winter approaches.

While most of us welcome longer days, patients with dementia or Alzheimer's who experience "sundowning", a syndrome that causes confusion in the late afternoons, may become even more agitated. Here are five ways to help your patient with Sundowner symptoms cope with the time change:

  1. Schedule appointments and outings early in the day.

  2. Avoid stimulants, Including nicotine, alcohol, and sweets.

  3. Close the blinds and turn on the lights in the evening.

  4. Do calm things in the afternoon and evening.

  5. Don't argue or react with anger.

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