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How Long Will Your Flu Shot Last?

If you listened to your doctor and to conventional advice, you probably got a flu shot last Fall, in anticipation of the winter flu season. Yet this year's flu season was not as severe as last year's, leaving many of us to wonder if the flu has not yet peaked, and if our proactive attempts at fending off illness will continue to remain effective as we march into Spring?

Recommended each year for seniors and high-risk individuals, the flu vaccine you received months ago may have lost some of its effectiveness by now, according to a study by Kaiser Permanente Northern California that looked at flu seasons from 2010 to 2017 and the medical records of nearly 45,000 people who tested positive for flu. The research suggests the risk of getting flu rises about 16% every 28 days after vaccination.

Despite this data, the CDC continues to recommend getting the shot by the end of October, especially for those over the age of 65. A second shot is NOT recommended, even with a late season flu surge. And, if you haven't gotten vaccinated this season, it is not too late.

Patients of Elite Home Health Care can receive a flu shot in the comfort of their own home with no out-of-pocket cost. Call our Quality Assurance Supervisor today to arrange a complimentary visit by a mobile medical team, 718-925-2525 Ext. 511.

For more information on the 2018-2019 Influenza Season, visit the CDC website.

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