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Take Your Child to Work Day

Today marks the 26th anniversary of National Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day, and this year's theme is workforce development. Participating workplaces, school, nonprofits, and families will have the opportunity to reveal their recipe for building and maintaining dependable and productive teams. This will provide young people insight about how each role within an organization contributes to the overall success for staff, customers and the communities they serve.

Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work® encourages girls and boys across the country to dream without gender limitations and to think imaginatively about their family, work and community lives. This national, public education program connects what children learn at school with the actual working world. Children learn that a family-friendly work environment is an employer and family issue and not just a woman's issue. Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work helps girls and boys across the nation discover the power and possibilities associated with a balanced work and family life.

We recommend checking with your employer prior to bringing your child to work, to ensure he/she has a safe and productive day and feels welcomed in the workplace.

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