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5 Major Advances in Healthcare Technology

The advances in healthcare technology have come along way and the future is looking bright.

Advances in healthcare have always made history. Groundbreaking science that prefaces these advances is life-changing for patients.

The modern world is revolutionizing health care. This is through advances in effective patient care and improving office efficiency.

There are so many advances in health care in the pipeline. In this article, we discuss some of the newest technologies that have emerged in medicine.

Advances in Healthcare: Telehealth and Remote Patient Monitoring

Telehealth is an innovative technology in the medical field. It allows patients mobile access to healthcare.

Although, telehealth technology can't replace all appointments. But, there are new technologies that are expanding telehealth's reach. For example, devices that measure markers of health can track patients at home. By transmitting this data from their homes, it saves space and time in doctor's offices.

But, there are still some hurdles in the way of full telehealth implementation. Commercial payers in some states aren't required to reimburse providers for telehealth services. This can complicate billing for both patients and doctors alike.

Advanced Biomarker Testing

Advanced biomarker testing provides accurate data to doctors. This is one of the huge technology advances in medicine.

Providing doctors with accurate measurements in the body can benefit doctors and patients. Accurate data can assist proper diagnoses and improve patient recovery. It may even allow doctors to diagnose earlier and lead to more successful patient recovery.

Artificial Intelligence

It's no doubt that hospital wait times is a huge issue for the health care system. This is in part due to inadequate staffing and budgets. Hospitals can increase their staff force without expensive labor costs using artificial intelligence.

Gene Therapies and Epigenetics

As science advances, researchers are understanding the role that genetics play in health. We've always known that certain genetics predispose populations to disease. But, researchers are now understanding that these disease-promoting genes can change.

This concept, known as epigenetics, sets the stage for genetic-centered treatments. These solutions could alter the progression of disease for many. Epigenetics could be one of the most revolutionary medical technological advances.

Accessible Patient Education

The health care industry is understanding that patient education can improve health. Patients can take their health into their own hands when they are empowered with information.

These educational resources influence health outside the doctor's office.

Technology Advances in Medicine Save Lives

The more we understand the body, the better we can treat disease. These new advances in healthcare are helping medicine take strides forward.

Epigenetics and advanced biomarker testing are some novel health care advances. This allows providers to effectively diagnose and treat disease. Telehealth can improve patient care and office efficiency. Hospital AI and patient education also contribute to better, faster care.

Interested in learning more about advances in health-related technologies? Elite Home Health Care provides information on a variety of topics. Check out more of our informative articles on our blog.

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