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Senior Independence: 5 Ways An In Home Health Aide Will Transform Your Life

An estimated 1,383,700 use nursing home care each year.

But, what about the other 7 million that require long term care?

Of course, some are fortunate enough to have a permanent caregiver like a spouse, child, or another family member.

But, what if your senior doesn't have a permanent caregiver? Or if they don't want to go to a nursing home?

Thankfully, in-home health aides can be a game-changer in these situations.

Interested in hiring an in-home health aide? Keep reading to learn more.

What Does a Health Aide Do?

"I don't want to go a nursing home!"

This may be something your senior has expressed to you.

It's totally understandable -- leaving the home that you know so well can be difficult. This is where an in-home health aide comes in.

They can provide the care a senior needs. Whether they require temporary in-home nursing, post-operative nursing, some companionship, or other types of in-home care, they can transform the life of a senior.

Below, we'll discuss how the top five ways a health aide can transform the life of someone who needs long-term care.

1. Assistance With Everyday Tasks

When mobility is difficult or a senior is recovering post-op, even the most simple tasks can be hard.

An in-home health aide can do these tasks to maintain the home. They can also provide post-operative care that may enhance recovery.

This prevents further injury and allows a senior to relax.

2. Companionship

Loneliness later in life can be a real psychological challenge.

Sometimes, just knowing someone is there can be enough to appease feelings of isolation. A home health aide can provide companionship for seniors who live alone.

3. The Convenience of Your Own Home

No matter the reason a senior requires long-term care, leaving the home they know and love can be difficult and even overwhelming. It means leaving all the memories they have in that home.

For some, this just isn't an option and it's much easier to hire an in-home health aide.

4. They Take On Responsibility

It's a lot of work to take care of a home and, most of all, take care of yourself. It means lots of cooking, cleaning, and maintenance.

For a senior, this can be overwhelming. It's the culprit behind why some seniors don't eat.

One study explored this: 16% of older adults were malnourished while 60% were at risk for malnourishment.

Hiring an in-home health aide can take this burden off of a seniors shoulders. With someone to prepare their meals, they are at a much lower risk of becoming malnourished.

5. They're There for Dangerous Falls

Falls in the elderly are a common issue with devastating consequences. If a senior is home alone, the chances of serious injury are much more likely.

Some in-home health aides are even trained to assist in these cases. They can be there to act quickly.

The Biggest Benefits of In-Home Health Aides

Seniors aren't the only ones that benefit from the advantages of an in-home health aide. As the loved one of a senior, you can have peace of mind knowing they're taken care of.

At Elite Home Health Care, we know you love your senior family member or loved one. You want the best care for them but don't want to burn out. That's why we offer various in-home health services from quality caregivers.

Want to learn more? Check out the informational posts on our blog.

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