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Safe and Happy at Home: A Handy Dementia Guide

Life and daily tasks can be increasingly difficult for the 5 million Americans who suffer from dementia. Not only does performing tasks become more of a challenge, but simply living at home poses increased risk to people with dementia.

That's why it's important to create a safe living space. Having a home that minimizes the risk of harm and makes daily tasks more manageable can make a world of difference.

Keep reading for a comprehensive dementia guide on home safety tips.

Remove Unnecessary Clutter

It's important to remove all unnecessary clutter from the home so you can minimize the risk of tripping over items laying around the house. Also, too much clutter can be overwhelming to someone with dementia because they won't know what any of it is for or why it's there.

If there's too much clutter in the house, it can be hard for people with dementia to find the things they actually need because there is so much random stuff laying around.

By removing clutter, you can make things like a clock, calendar, and important phone numbers easy to find.

Use Labels or Signs

It's important to put labels above items and signs above doors so it's easy to identify where everything is. Without signage, someone with dementia may spend a lot of time walking around the house trying to find what they're looking for.

Use signs with bold, large lettering so it's easy to spot from a distance, even for people who have poor eyesight.

Keep the Kitchen Safe

The kitchen is full of things that can potentially harm someone with dementia, which is why you need to take special care to keep it safe.

Make sure you install automatic shut-off burners so no burners are left on after cooking. Have smoke and carbon dioxide detectors in the kitchen as well.

Keep every drawer and cabinet clearly labeled and keep the appliances simple and easy-to-use.

Use Contrasting, Bold Colors

It's easy for people with dementia to forget where steps are around the house, so use brightly colored tape to outline each step to prevent a fall.

Make the walls and floors different, contrasting colors to make it easier to see and get around. Don't use color patterns, however, as that can be overwhelming and confusing to people with dementia.

Keep a List of Emergency Phone Numbers

Be sure to keep a list of emergency numbers in different areas of the home, including the kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. You can include the numbers of loved ones, poison control, the fire department, and the ambulance.

Use This Dementia Guide to Keep the Home Safe

This dementia guide is a great start to making your living space safe and comfortable for anyone with dementia. In addition to making these small changes, it's also important to make sure you or your loved one isn't home alone for long periods of time.

Here at Elite Home Health Care, we offer top-of-the-line caregiving and medical services for people with dementia. We strive to not only create a safe living space, but to also make sure you or your loved one is happy and supported.

Click here to learn more about what puts our caregivers above the rest, and be sure to reach out if you have any questions about the services we have to offer.

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