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How to Start Caring for Aging Parents When You Have a Full-Time Job

According to research, over 40.4 million Americans provide care for seniors—usually their parents. Further study shows that roughly 70% of seniors with children rely on them for care in some way.

Whether this care is in the form of managing affairs, or at-home physical attendance—caring for aging parents while working full-time is a demanding and stressful responsibility.

In fact, research states that caregiving fits the formula for chronic stress so well that is has been used as a model for studying the health effects of extreme stress.

However, there are also benefits to caring for loved ones, as well as strategies you can implement to lighten the load.

Read on for some crucial tips for caring for aging parents, while working full time.

Tell Your Employer

The very first thing you need to do is to tell your employer. It may feel like you need to keep your stress under wraps, but this is not sustainable.

By talking to your boss or manager about your new responsibility, the two of you might be able to work out things like whether or not flexible hours might suit you, and what other concessions/arrangements might be made to support you.

Look After Yourself

Next up, you need to prioritize yourself and your health, from the word go. While it might sound crazy— with everything that is on your plate—keeping healthy and happy is crucial to being able to manage the balancing act between caregiving and career.

If you ignore the need for rest and recharging time, or neglect your health, you will be less and less able to function at work, or for your parent.

Ask for Help

One of the ways to carve out time to tend to yourself is to ask for help. Many people feel that it is too much to ask anyone else to chip in when caring for a parent.

But, you might be surprised how many friends and family members would be happy to do an errand or cook a meal while you recuperate.

Hire in Help

While asking friends and family for help can be of great assistance, this form of relief is not always something you can rely on.

For this reason, it is important that you consider the benefits that come with hiring help. Arranging for a carer to handle certain things can make looking after an elderly parent that much more sustainable. What's more, you will have more time for your parent, and be less stressed when around them.

Having a hired carer will also allow you to perform better at work and spend more time with your own family.

Be Gentle with Yourself

Lastly, one of the most important things is to be gentle with yourself. Taking on the role of primary caregiver for an aging parent is no small task. If you find you are ever belittling yourself for unwashed laundry at home, missed social appointments, or any of the other things we measure our 'worth' by—just STOP.

You are shouldering a far-reaching responsibility and deserve a lot of leeway for that, particularly from yourself.

Now You Know About the Most Important Tips for Caring for Aging Parents

Caring for aging parents is never easy. However, with these tips, you are equipped to make it not only manageable but fulfilling too.

And yes, you can keep your career. Working full-time might make caring more challenging, but it does not make it impossible, especially if you seek out assistance.

If you are in need of a tailored caring solution that fits your needs, please browse our services. Our team of carers caters to companionship, housekeeping, and personal care, as well as skilled nursing and therapy.

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