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How to Prevent Seniors from Slipping on Ice This Winter

The winter season is quickly approaching which means it's time for sweaters, hot chocolate, holiday decorations, and... ice-covered walkways.

The latter might not mean much to a young adult in perfectly fine health, but icy pathways can be extremely dangerous for elderly people with poor balance and fragile bones.

That's why it's important to take extra precautions to protect your loved one from slipping on ice this winter. Here's what you need to know!

Wear the Right Footwear

Wearing the proper footwear when walking on icy surfaces is essential to prevent slips and falls.

If your loved one has a pair of boots they like to wear in the winter, you can take a few steps to make them more slip-resistant. For example, you can spray the bottom with an anti-slip solution.

Keep Walkways Clear of Ice

At the home front, make sure the driveway, entry stairs, back porch, and nearby sidewalks are cleared of ice.

The easiest way to clear ice to spread salt rock over the ice and spray with water to loosen the ice. Then, you can shovel it away from walkways to protect your senior loved one.

Use Handrails When Possible

At home, consider installing handrails if there are entrance stairs. Ice can form very quickly and if your loved one uses the stairs before ice is cleared away, the handrails can prevent a nasty fall.

When out and about with your loved one, try to use pathways that have handrails to give them extra support and balance while walking. However, if a surface is particularly icy it's best to avoid it altogether or consider using a wheelchair for your loved one if you need to.

Run Errands for Your Loved One

It's difficult to avoid ice when away from the home, so if you are able to run errands for your loved one, it can be a big help in preventing falls. Also, carrying bags of groceries on an icy surface adds an entirely new level of danger.

If you're unable to run errands for your loved one, consider hiring an in-home caregiver to run errands and accompany your loved one when leaving the home. That way, your senior loved one won't be left on their own to traverse along ice-covered walkways.

Prevent Your Loved One From Slipping On Ice

Slipping on ice can quickly lead to a hospital visit for an elderly loved one. Without the proper care and awareness this winter, you might be putting your loved one in harm's way. But with these tips, you can be proactive and help prevent your loved one from having a painful slip and fall this season.

Here at Elite Home Health Care, we will take extra care to keep your loved one safe from slippery surfaces by running errands, accompanying them to appointments, and making sure that they wear the proper footwear before going outdoors.

If you want to rest assured that your loved one is in good hands this winter, check out our services page to learn more about what our in-home caregivers can offer.

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