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Why Do Seniors Get Cold More Easily?

Have you been walking around in a t-shirt while your elderly parents are sat under a blanket? It's not just a comfort thing, older people are much more likely to feel the cold than those younger.

The question of why do old people get cold is a common one. Families want to take care of their elderly relatives and that means working out how their needs are different.

We've broken down why it's common for the elderly to feel the cold more. Read on to discover the causes and solutions so you can understand the options.

Why Do Old People Get Cold?

As we age, our bodies change significantly. From chronic illness to composition changes, many things can affect how we feel the temperature.

Metabolic Rate

Your metabolic rate is the process by which your body turns calories into energy.

As we get into our later years, our metabolic rate lowers. Keeping your body warm requires a constant source of energy. The lowering rate means seniors have less available energy to stay warm and can feel the cold faster.

Fat Reduction

Our bodies start to lose fat from the age of 40, a process which is more pronounced after 70. As fat is a natural insulator, this makes them more prone to feeling cold. External insulation, such as more clothing and heating, can be used to compensate.

Keeping your elderly relatives warm and comfortable often means hiring caregivers that are specially trained in the needs of the older generations.

Reduced Activity Levels

It's common for seniors to undertake considerably less daily activity as they find they have less strength and energy.

When the elderly spend more time sitting down, their bodies find it harder to maintain an ideal body temperature and they begin to feel cold. This is also seen in those who are sedentary due to health issues.

Going on senior-friendly outings can have a beneficial effect on happiness and general well-being. Even slow walks help boost fitness and energy generation.

Poor Circulation

The internal mechanisms that monitor blood pressure become less sensitive as we age and the elderly may see a lowering of blood pressure. Combined with a reduction in internal water volume and red blood cell turnover, seniors often suffer from poor circulation.

Poor circulation is responsible for cold hands and feet, where the body doesn't get enough blood to the extremities and leaves them feeling chilled. Warm socks, slippers, and even gloves can help with this. As can holding warm drinks.

Caring for an Elderly Relative

As seniors are more likely to feel the cold, even in warmer months, it's important to ensure they receive the best care to stay comfortable and healthy.

Making sure they have easy access to warm clothes including footwear and gloves helps seniors to stay warm. Simple exercise can also help as well as maintaining a healthy diet.

The best way to care for an elderly relative is often by providing them with a highly-trained caregiver. Care-giving services often include mobility services to help seniors stay active.

Getting Older Can Mean Getting Colder

Some things in life are inevitable and feeling the cold more is one of those things. Now you know the answer to why do old people get cold, you can better understand why your elderly parents are always turning up the thermostat.

Elite caregivers are specially trained to understand the needs of those in their later years. By hiring a caregiver, you can rest assured that your relatives are comfortable and in the best hands.

If you'd like to discuss the needs of one of your elderly relatives, take a look at our services to learn how we can help.

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