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10 Warning Signs of Dementia

There are at least five million Americans living with age-related dementias. And as Americans live longer, one out of every 10 men who live past age 55 and one out of every six women living past 55 will develop dementia.

Thankfully, there are things that can help with dementia. New technologies such as smart devices and virtual doctor's visits can help improve healthcare.

Eating healthy foods and early diagnosis also greatly improve the quality of life for both the patient suffering from dementia and their caregiver(s). But first, you have to recognize the signs of dementia.

We want to help you get the right care when you need it. Keep reading to learn the 10 most common signs of dementia.

1. One of the Signs of Dementia is Memory Problems

The problem with memory problems is that sometimes we all have moments where we can't remember something. Even with dementia patients, the changes are subtle and usually involve short-term memory.

The patient may be able to vividly recall events that happened years ago but not remember what they had for breakfast.

2. Changes in Mood

A person suffering from dementia may not notice their mood has changed, but those around them may. Depression is a typical sign of early dementia.

Along with mood changes, shifts in personality are also common. They may change from shy to outgoing because the condition affects judgment.

3. Difficulty Finding the Right Words

Another sign is when they struggle to communicate thoughts. They may struggle to explain something or find the right words to express themselves.

It may take longer for them to get their point across.

4. Confusion About Time or Place

Dementia causes patients to find it hard to judge the passing of time. They may tend to forget where they are and struggle with dates.

Future or past events may also be difficult for them to comprehend.

5. Apathy

Another common occurrence with dementia patients is them feeling apathetic or listless. They no longer enjoy hobbies or activities they once did.

They may stop wanting to go out or do anything fun anymore. To others, they may seem emotionally flat and they'll tend to stop spending time with anyone.

6. A Failing Sense of Direction

Both spatial orientation and sense of direction begin to fail with dementia. They may no longer recognize familiar landmarks or get lost easily even in places they know well.

Directions and instructions become more difficult for them.

7. Struggling to Adapt to Change

Dementia is scary, especially for the patient. They struggle to remember people or follow conversations and may even get lost easily.

Routines feel safe while new experiences feel scary.

8. Poor Judgment or Decision-Making

Dementia patients struggle to understand what's fair and reasonable. They may start buying things they don't need or pay too much for things.

Sometimes that comes out as no longer practicing good hygiene or dressing presentably.

9. Withdrawal in Socializing

Those with dementia may stop being interested in socializing with others both at home and at work. Becoming withdrawn and not talking to others or even not paying attention when others are speaking to them is common.

Dementia also causes people to stop pursuing hobbies they used to love, especially those that involve others.

10. Difficulty with Common Tasks

Even common tasks may become difficult to complete such as changing settings on the tv or even making a cup of coffee.

We Can Help

If you or a loved one is exhibiting several signs of dementia, it's time to see a doctor. And it's also time to get some additional help to ensure a dementia patient stays safe.

We can help with that. We provide services such as general care and therapy. Click here to see which services are best for your needs.

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