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Support a Normal Routine: 5 Things to Keep Dementia Patients Busy

A schedule offers security and familiarity for those losing their cognitive abilities.

Having meaningful, stimulating interactions can improve their quality of life. There are many things to keep dementia patients busy, giving them a sense of purpose. This article shares five great ways a health aide can engage patients.

1. Stick to a Morning Routine

A morning routine could jog the patient's memory and kickstart a positive day. You'll find that it gives them a sense of control and usefulness.

A routine could include things like making breakfast and watching the morning news. It could involve doing a few chores or just going for a walk. Even getting up and watering the garden is a great way to start the day.

A routine could also stem from their history.

Talk with their loved ones and learn what routine they held. Then, incorporate that as part of their everyday ritual. It could spark memories that bring joy and excitement to their current routine.

2. Work Together on Daily To-Dos

Many home health care services cover personal care basics. However, the patient may not need complete care just yet. So why not let them continue taking care of themselves in areas they can do and feel confident about?

Encourage them to do:

  • Grooming and dressing

  • Organization and housekeeping

  • Exercise and outdoor activities

Give them the freedom to be and feel independent while supporting them.

3. Have Fun With Games

It's well established that brain exercises are beneficial to dementia patients. A great way to explore these exercises is through games! This offers both parties a fun, interactive experience that keeps the mind sharp.

Try a few gaming options:

  • Board and card games

  • Lawn and outdoor games

  • Video games

You could try memory games like image matching, trivia, or crosswords. Or get interactive with motion-controlled games like Wii Fit or Wii Sports. Puzzles, checkers, chess, and a friendly game of rummy are all great too.

4. Get Into the Groove

Dance and music have a positive effect on those with dementia. Music can cull memories and emotions, and offer a great way to bond with each other. Try:

  • Putting on music when doing daily tasks

  • Going to a local outing where there's live music

Exercise, too, can improve the quality of life. The activities are also great at giving them something worthwhile to do with spare time:

  • Do at-home exercises like body-weight routines

  • Go swimming or try a senior yoga class

Take these activities outside for the added benefits of fresh air and sunlight.

5. Socialize

It's too easy to slump down in front of the TV or sleep a lot when there's no one there to offer care. Don't let patients isolate themselves, get them socializing.

Try activities like:

  • Joining a club or organization

  • Going for walks in the park

  • Volunteering and contributing

  • Visiting community get-togethers

Encourage the patient to spend more time with their grandkids. This is a surefire way to get them active, especially if they're partaking in activities with them.

Discover Even More Things to Keep Dementia Patients Busy

There are many things to keep dementia patients busy early on. These activities will change with the progress of Alzheimer's disease. The patient's activities should adapt to their changing physical and cognitive abilities.

At Elite Home Health Care, we provide exceptional services for patients with dementia. And we offer expert guidance and insights for aides in the industry.

See the quality of life our home health professionals deliver. Contact us, tell us your needs, and connect with our amazing caregivers.

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