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5 Best Type 2 Diabetes Management Tips for the Elderly

More than 30 million Americans have diabetes, with the majority of cases being type 2.

Type 2 diabetes is an extremely difficult disease to live with because it requires a person to stay diligent when it comes to taking medications and making lifestyle changes. If a person neglects to make these adjustments, they can experience severe problems like vision impairment or even heart attacks.

That's why it's important to have a detailed type 2 diabetes management plan. Here are five tips to help elderly people live with this disease and reduce serious symptoms.

1. Understand Type 2 Diabetes

If you or your loved one has recently been diagnosed with diabetes, you first need to understand the disease.

Type 2 diabetes occurs when your blood glucose is too high and your body doesn't make enough insulin to get the excess blood sugar into your cells. This causes there to be too much glucose in your blood, which leads to health complications.

2. Don't Neglect Medications

Due to the excess glucose in your blood and your body not making enough insulin, you may need to take insulin to manage your blood sugar levels. You may also need to take additional medications as prescribed by your doctor to better manage blood sugar and cholesterol.

Neglecting to take your medications can lead to serious complications and even death.

3. Diet Is Everything

Creating a diet plan is essential for people with type 2 diabetes. You need to know which foods are helpful, and which ones should be completely avoided. Foods that you should add to your diet include:

  • Fruits and vegetables

  • Beans and legumes

  • Nuts and seeds

  • Whole grains

  • Fish

  • Heart-healthy fats

You need to avoid foods with high levels of saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, and added sugars. It's helpful to have an in-home caregiver that can meal prep for you to ensure you're getting the vitamins and minerals you need.

4. Stay Active

Staying active allows you to better manage your type 2 diabetes and reduce some of the symptoms you might experience. This is because while you're exercising, your muscles can actually use excess glucose without insulin, which lowers your blood sugar levels.

Even just doing light exercising like going for long walks or doing yoga every morning can be a great way to manage your disease.

5. Get Routine Check-Ups

A person with diabetes needs to be diligent about visiting their doctor for checkups at least twice a year, or more often if there are changes in health.

These check-ups can help catch diabetes-related changes such as high blood pressure or other health concerns before they become too serious.

Use These Tips for Type 2 Diabetes Management

Type 2 diabetes is a difficult disease to manage, especially for the elderly. But if your loved one diligently follows this type 2 diabetes management guide, they can reduce symptoms and live a healthy, happy life.

Here at Elite Home Health Care, we have experienced caregivers that are trained to help people manage diseases like type 2 diabetes. Our caregivers can drive your loved one to appointments, meal prep, and make sure they take their medications regularly.

Reach out to us today to learn more about our in-home health care services.

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