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3 Immunity Boosters to Help Fight Viruses and What to Avoid

Research shows that older adults are twice as likely to have serious complications if they get the coronavirus. As a result, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are urging older adults to stay at home.

If you or a loved one falls into a high-risk category, what can you do to help protect yourself and stay healthy? Keep reading to learn more about some of the best immunity boosters you can consume today.

1. Vitamin C

Chances are, you already associate vitamin C with boosting your immune system. This is because the vitamin is a tried and true immune system booster. It's so important to your immune system that not getting enough of it can make you more prone to catching colds and cases of flu.

Vitamin C isn't produced or stored by your body. This means you have to consume it in the foods you eat. It's found in a variety of foods like oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, kale, spinach, broccoli, strawberries, and bell peppers.

Most people get enough vitamin C from their diet but your doctor may recommend taking a supplement as well.

2. Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 works by supporting biochemical reactions in your immune system. For this reason, it's important that you consume enough of it.

This essential vitamin can be found in chicken and cold-water fish like tuna and salmon. It's also found in green veggies, chickpeas, and hummus.

3. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a powerful vitamin that functions as an antioxidant. This means it can help your body fight off infections.

You can find vitamin E in healthy foods like spinach, nuts, and seeds.

What To Avoid

The most important thing to remember is that while taking vitamins and supplements can help boost your immune system, the best way to stay healthy long term is to get your nutrients straight from the food you eat.

Your body best absorbs vitamins and nutrients when you consume them from a food source. It can be difficult to asses how much of a vitamin you are really getting from a supplement.

Vitamins and supplements aren't regulated like other drugs. The FDA doesn't monitor the quality of supplements or asses how they affect our bodies.

Before taking any vitamins or supplements, you should talk to your doctor. Supplements can have side effects, especially if you take other medications or have underlying health conditions.

You should avoid taking vitamin E supplements because there is little research supporting any benefits and they can even be harmful.

It's important to understand that boosting your immune system takes time and dedication to getting the right nutrients. Simply taking a pill isn't enough.

If you're a child of an aging parent, you may be scared for their well-being in these uncertain times.

Hiring a home health aide to ensure your loved one is cared for, can give you peace of mind. It's not easy for seniors to shop and prepare their own healthy meals, especially when they are urged to stay at home. Click here to learn more about our services and how we can help.

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