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How You Can Get Involved During Parkinson's Awareness Month This Year

Spring brings more than just flowers and seasonal allergies. It's also Parkinson's Awareness Month and your chance to get involved!

For the 60,000 people diagnosed with the disease every year, each day is a new struggle and hurdle to overcome. Parkinson's Awareness Month helps others understand the disease better and also gives those suffering hope for a brighter future.

Keep reading to learn how to get involved with Parkinson's Awareness Month and the many benefits it offers to both patients and loved ones.

This year, the Parkinson's Foundation is focusing on taking actionable steps to help improve the daily life of those living with PD (Parkinson's Disease). #Plan4PD is uniting the Parkinson's community in new and creative ways.

You can visit the website to find a detailed calendar with tips and actional items for every day in April.

Things like always being prepared for hospital stays (April 13th), connecting with fundraisers (April 20th), and International Dance Day (April 29th) are all great ways to support the cause.

This month is also about educating people about the effects of the disease and how it impacts not only patients but loved ones as well.

Ways to Get Involved in Parkinson's Awareness Month

Knowledge is power when it comes to staying up to date on Parkinson's disease efforts and developing news.

In addition to donating to fundraisers, here are a few more ways you can get involved during Parkinson's Awareness Month.

Share Your Story

Are you or someone you know struggling with PD? What better time than Parkinson's Awareness Month to share your personal experience?

Whether you're currently struggling with the disease, have a family member who is battling it, or have tips for coping, your story can help inspire and change the life of another person.

Talk to Your Local Government

You can spread awareness locally by submitting proclamations to the mayor or governor of your city.

These proclamations encourage local governments to declare April Parkinson's Awareness Month.

Search online for a mailing or email address to contact the mayor or governor's office. After sending the proclamation, follow up to ensure they received it.

Get Involved on Social Media

Everyone has a social media account these days, which is why following the Parkinson's Foundation on social media is a great way to get involved. Follow them on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Here, you'll find videos, facts, stories, and photos to help inform and inspire both patients and those affected by the disease.

Take it one step further and share Parkinson's Awareness Month links on your social media accounts.

Donate and Fundraise

One of the best ways to support Parkinson's Awareness Month is to donate to a local fundraiser or the organization directly. You can also create fundraising efforts of your own.

This year, due to coronavirus and the need for social distancing, many fundraising events and educational seminars have moved online. Visit this site to find an event near you.

Become a Part of the Solution

Parkinson's Awareness Month is just around the corner and it's never been more important to get involved. The more you know, the better equipped you are to care for someone with Parkinson's disease or live a fulfilling life as a PD sufferer.

Check our blog for more helpful posts on living a healthy life despite underlying health conditions. You can also find a list of our services here or contact us for more helpful information.

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