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What a Day in the Life of an Alzheimer's Patient Actually Looks Like

Have you ever wondered what it was really like to have Alzheimer's?

Most of us understand that Alzheimer's is very serious. But few people, aside from professional caregivers, truly understand what a day in the life of an Alzheimer's patient really looks like.

With our guide, you can fully understand what living with Alzheimer's means to people all around the world.

Confusing Morning

For someone with Alzheimer's, confusion and annoyance sets in almost right away. That's because things are often a blur early in the morning.

That's because it's hard to remember details like today's date or even the day. That can make everything from getting dressed to planning a daily schedule that much more difficult.

Housekeeping Woes

Many of the housekeeping chores we take for granted are much more difficult for those with Alzheimer's.

For example, it's tough to brew some coffee when you can't remember where the cups or ingredients are.

Remembering where the clean dishes go or where the cat food is can be equally confusing. And it's very easy to forget if you have already done something.

As scary as pet care can be, pets can really benefit those with Alzheimer's.

Dizzying Doctor's Appointment

Doctor's appointments are a regular part of life for anyone with Alzheimer's. Unfortunately, these appointments bring their own sets of stresses.

First of all, you likely cannot drive yourself. You must depend on the help of others, and it's easy to forget where you are going and why you are going there.

It can be confusing when the doctor peppers you with questions. And regardless of your answers, you'll likely have trouble remembering what you or the doctor said by the time you get home.

Helpless With Meals

That earlier coffee confusion is only amplified during mealtime. When you eat out, it can be difficult to remember the food that you wanted to order. At home, it's basically impossible to follow a complex recipe.

With any luck, you have loved ones who can prepare your favorite foods. Regardless of their skills, though, nothing ever tastes quite the same as you remember.

Simplified Entertainment

Those living with Alzheimer's still like to have fun. However, their entertainment options have been very simplified.

For example, it's difficult for you to read a book. Because you can't necessarily follow a complex narrative, you rely on television and movies instead.

However, things like the TV news may give you anxiety and dramas, like books, can be difficult to follow.

You are basically left watching only comedic movies and TV shows due to their simplified plots and predictable laugh tracks.

Bothersome Bathrooms

Everything to do with bathrooms can be scary for someone living with Alzheimer's. Many cannot easily bathe themselves and must rely on someone else to help. This can often be a humiliating experience.

Similarly, going to the bathroom can be a challenge. You may not remember where the bathroom is or even recognize the need to go until it is too late.

Alzheimer's: A Day In the Life

Now you know more about a day in the life of someone with Alzheimer's. But do you know who can help make each day better?

We specialize in home healthcare options that treat patients with dignity and respect.

To see how we can help your loved ones, come check out our services today!

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