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Stimulating Senior Activities to Enjoy During the COVID-19 Quarantine

The COVID-19 quarantine has affected those of all ages in recent weeks. One poll found that about 90% of people have been staying home to stop the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.

But it's the senior community that has arguably been hit the hardest by the COVID-19 quarantine. It has made it difficult for them to get the food and medications that they need, and it has also left many seniors dealing with a bad bout of cabin fever.

If you have a special senior in your life who is struggling with the COVID-19 quarantine, there are senior activities that will stimulate their bodies and minds. These activities will also help them pass the time and bring them one step closer to the end of the COVID-19 quarantine.

Here are a few fun senior activities that they can try while they're stuck inside in the coming days and weeks.

Put Together a Jigsaw Puzzle

If someone is going to be stuck inside for weeks on end, wouldn't it be nice for them to have something to show for it? Putting together a jigsaw puzzle will provide them with something that they can show off once the COVID-19 quarantine is over.

Generally speaking, jigsaw puzzles are great tools for seniors who want to keep their brains sharp. They've been shown to help those suffering from dementia in a big way.

Listen to a Podcast

There are some people who are under the impression that podcasts are only for young people. But this couldn't be further from the truth!

There are about 1 million active podcasts out there right now. And many of them are designed specifically for seniors.

Download a few different podcasts for the senior in your life and encourage them to give podcasts a try. They might enjoy listening to podcasts like:

  • Freakonomics Radio

  • This American Life

  • Stuff You Missed in History Class

If there is a specific topic that a senior is interested in listening to, there is almost guaranteed to be a podcast that covers it.

Take a Virtual Vacation

As recently as a month or two ago, the idea of taking a "virtual" vacation would have sounded preposterous to most people. But today, many people are so desperate to get out of their houses—or at the very least, to make it feel like they're getting out of their houses—that they're open to "traveling" virtually.

And it's a lot more fun to take a virtual vacation that you might think. People can take tours of the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, go scuba diving in Palau, or even explore England right from their living rooms.

Show a senior how to take one of these virtual vacations and give them the opportunity to step outside of the four walls that surround them for a little while. This is one of the most fun senior activities imaginable.

Stay Busy During the COVID-19 Quarantine With These Senior Activities

Being stuck inside during the COVID-19 quarantine isn't ideal for seniors. But they can keep themselves occupied by finding fun things to do inside.

You can help them figure out what to do inside by suggesting some of the senior activities listed here. Seniors can stay stimulated by participating in these types of activities.

You can also make sure all their needs are being met by taking advantage of the superior home health care services that we have to offer. From seeing that a senior gets enough to eat to providing social interaction with a senior, we can do it all.

Contact us today to find out more about the home health care services that we can provide for you and your loved one.

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