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Apps for Seniors: Staying Connected During the Coronavirus Quarantine

Our social time has been cut thanks to the coronavirus and the limits of social distancing. This includes seniors and our elderly family members.

Still, there are ways to keep them connected and safe even in the face of a global pandemic. Detailed below are today's top apps for seniors to stay engaged and involved in the families' and friends' lives.

Our beloved seniors are at particular risk with the coronavirus. The CDC mentions the dangers for older adults throughout the country. If you have a senior who's going to miss his or her social time by staying in more, keep reading.

Digital Socializing Can Be Powerful

Though it's true that social distancing can be depressing, digitally socializing with our loved ones can still help. Be flexible, though, as your senior friends or family members navigate digital connectivity.

Remember, your elderly loved ones have not spent their lives on digital screens like younger generations.

They might be struggling to stick to indoor activities more than those of us used to playing video games all of the time. That's why being intentional about connecting with them, even digitally, is so important.

Usability a Key Factor of Apps for Seniors

As you're hunting for any mobile app for your senior loved one, do some trial runs with him or her. If there's too much frustration navigating it, you might need a more user-friendly app. Ideally, he or she will be able to talk to their loved ones at just a few clicks of a button.

Some of the best apps for seniors are video conferencing portals. In fact, on iPhones, the ability to FaceTime is a convenient way to be able to video call any phone contact who also has an iPhone. (Androids don't have a FaceTime feature.)

Separate video conferencing apps include Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Skype. These free mobile apps can connect your senior loved ones with their friends and family even through social distancing.

Some seniors may enjoy social media apps, too. Connect your grandparents with Facebook or Twitter. These are the social media networks that older generations are most likely on.

Other social media apps like TikTok, Instagram, or Reddit target younger crowds. Experts also suggest that the app called HiLois is specially made for seniors to socialize for the sake of usability. Take the time to talk with your elder loved one to see what social app he or she would most want to use.

Ensure Your Beloved Seniors Are Well-Cared for Even in This Pandemic

By now, you're familiar with all of today's best apps for seniors to stay social with their loved ones. Social distancing is particularly important for our at-risk seniors. So, keep your elderly friends and family members in the loop with apps that are easy for them to use.

In addition, it's worthwhile to continue ensuring your seniors have access to the best available care. In fact, that's where we can be of service.

For that reason, we encourage you to browse through the rest of our website today. On our blog, you'll find the most reliable guidance in senior care and health. To start, check out more details about our Elite Home Health Care Services available to your family now.

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