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Men's Health Week: What It Is and How to Celebrate

What happens when you always put other people first? For many men, this is a reality. And if you're not careful, it will eventually take a toll on your health.

Men's Health Week serves as an important reminder to take care of yourself. And since it's right around the corner, here's more info about Men's Health Week and how you can celebrate.

Let's begin!

What Is Men's Health Week?

Men's Health Week will be June 15-21 in 2020 and June 14-20 in 2021. This serves as a dedicated week to raise awareness about men's health and related issues.

How did it start? Men's Health Week was designated by the United States Congress back in 1994. Their goal was to help men detect preventable health issues and to encourage men to take better care of their bodies.

While the official celebration is only a week, many people celebrate all of June as an entire "Men's Health Month!"

Why Is It Important To Celebrate Men's Health Week?

You might be asking yourself why we need a dedicated Men's Health Week. Does this need to be gendered? Or could we simply celebrate a health week for both men and women?

The reason why is simple: there are specific health issues that uniquely affect men. By dedicating a specific week to men's health, we can help raise awareness about those specific issues and how men can take care of them.

Of course, we hope the lessons men learn go well beyond Men's Health Week. If men pass on these good health practices to their sons, we can make each generation of men healthier than the one before!

How To Celebrate

Now that you know a bit more about what this week is, the next question: how can you celebrate it?

Honestly, anything you do to learn more about men's health issues makes for a great celebration. This doesn't have to be limited to physical issues, and you can definitely make this a "Men's Mental Health Week" as well.

The best thing you can do to celebrate, though, is to schedule an appointment with your doctor. Whether it's a specialist or a general practitioner, such an appointment can help you detect minor problems before they become major.

You may fear going to a hospital or other medical facility due to COVID-19. However, many hospitals and medical facilities have put mechanisms in place to ensure that you are treated safe from contagion.

Your Health: What Comes Next?

Now you know more about Men's Health Week. But do you know which home health services can take care of your different needs?

We specialize in personal care, companionship, nursing, and therapy. To learn more about what we can do for you, contact us to learn about our caregivers today!

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