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Eat More Fat to Lose Weight!

Conventional wisdom about eating fats has shifted, and low-carb/high-fat diets are now the rage.

In the past, people believed that these diets would raise cholesterol and cause heart disease because of the high fat content. But, in more than 20 human studies conducted on low-carb diets, in almost every one of those studies low-carb diets come out ahead of the diets they are compared to.

Not only do low-carb diets cause more weight loss, they also lead to major improvements in most risk factors, including cholesterol.

Here are the 10 reasons to consider low carb and ketogenic diets.​

  1. Eating fat makes you burn fat

  2. High fat diets make you burn more calories

  3. A ketogenic state makes you burn the most fat and offers a metabolic advantage

  4. Eating more fat makes your lose more fat since you are using fat for fuel

  5. Carbohydrates are stored more easily than fat.

  6. You eat less when you eat high fat meals

  7. Fat is more satiating than carbohydrates

  8. Eating fat before a meal makes you eat less.

  9. A greater proportion of the fat lost comes from the abdominal cavity.

  10. Triglycerides and insulin levels tend to go way down

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