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Get That Blood Pumping: Physical Activities for Seniors With Dementia

Did you know that moving your body for as little as 15 minutes a day can increase your lifespan by 3 years?

If someone you love has been diagnosed with dementia, finding safe ways for them to maintain an active lifestyle can seem challenging. The good news is that there are plenty of fun physical activities for seniors with dementia that can improve the quality of their life.

Are you ready to learn how you can help someone you love stay fit? Keep reading for our list of physical activities that can keep seniors vibrant.

1. Go for a Walk with a Friend

Walking is one of the best exercises for dementia patients because getting some fresh air and exploring their surroundings is a great way to feel revitalized and stimulated. If they walk with a friend or a personable caregiver, they can also reap the benefits of socializing and bonding with others.

2. Head to the Pool for Some Aquatic Exercise

Not only are there tons of fun pool exercise games for adults, but swimming is also a low-impact activity. This means that even people who have arthritis or other debilitating conditions can enjoy being in a pool pain-free. If swimming laps is too repetitive for them, they can also try kicking or water aerobics.

3. Try Chair Exercises for Seniors with Dementia

Another low-impact aerobic exercise that people can do at any age is chair workouts. It may not sound like much, but your loved one will be surprised by how toned they can get by doing simple but effective workouts that target all of their muscle groups. This guide can teach you 21 different moves to help them get started on their wellness journey.

4. Get Zen with Gentle Yoga Poses

If they've tried yoga in the past but felt like it wasn't the right exercise for them, it's possible that they haven't found their ideal style yet. Hatha yoga is something that every senior should try because it's slow-paced, relaxing, and designed to increase mobility and endurance.

5. Start a Garden

Gardening is one of the most rewarding activities because people can watch their plants grow over time. Gardening is also accessible for any age and fitness level because there are so many different types of jobs. Gardening can be as light as watering plants and pulling weeds or as vigorous as raking or mowing the lawn. If they grow fruits, vegetables, and herbs, they can also fuel their body with nutritious, home-grown produce.

These Activities for Seniors with Dementia Are Great for Physical and Mental Health

Finding enjoyable activities for seniors with dementia is crucial for maintaining your loved one's wellness. Not only will exercising help keep them in shape, but it will also engage their mind and boost their mood.

Do you know someone who needs help maintaining their independent lifestyle? Here at Elite Home Health Care, we would love to help keep your family member happy and healthy. Check out our services to learn more about how our staff can provide compassionate and comprehensive nursing, therapy, personal care, and companionship from the comfort of your home.

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